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How To Transform Your Bathroom Into A More Spa-Like Space

How To Transform Your Bathroom Into A More Spa-Like Space

You’ve decided that the time has come to upgrade and overhaul your bathroom, and you couldn’t be more excited about the changes that you’re going to make. 

How nice will it be to step into a freshly renovated, modernised space? Just imagine how relaxed you will be each time you run a bath or step into the shower - having an updated space should help to make relaxing far easier. 

Of course, updating your bathroom isn’t just beneficial in terms of your relaxation. If you get the updates right and create a space that is both functional and well designed, you can add value to your property. So, making sure that you get your approach to updates right is important. 

If you want to create a bathroom that focuses on relaxation and tranquility, then aiming for a more spa-like space is a great way to go. Plus, creating this kind of spa inspired bathroom is far easier than you might think. 

In need of a little design inspo? Below is a guide to everything that you need to know to create the perfect spa-like bathroom. 

Source design inspiration 

The first stop when redesigning your bathroom should be to source some inspiration. The good news is that there is plenty of inspiration available online from sites like Pinterest, which allows you to browse ideas and add all the ones you like onto an easy-to-access mood board that you can refer back to as and when you need it. 

This kind of inspiration is vital for making sure that you know what you want your finished bathroom to look and feel like. So, make sure that you take the time to source all of the design inspiration that you need ahead of the renovation. 

Get the colours and features spot on 

If you’re going to create a spa-like bathroom, it’s vital that you get the colours right. One of the main aspects of spa-like spaces is the colours included within them, as well as the style of the features, of course. 

Most spa-like spaces utilise natural tones, think: sea foam blue, moss green, and sand beige, so you might want to consider using these colours within your space, either for the paint, tiling or accessories. 

Minimalism is key in this kind of space. You want to design a bathroom that is effortlessly minimalist and free from clutter and mess. You also want to select features, such as a sink, toilet and bath tub that fit the style and size of the space. Think: modern and simplistic vibes. 

Don’t be afraid to get some professional support 

While you can probably do a lot of the work yourself (if you want to, that is), it may be wise to call in the professionals for certain aspects of your renovation. For instance, if you’re dealing with any structural changes, it pays to call in a building expert, or when you’re at the stage where you need to think about plumbing and drainage, it might be a good idea to source an expert in this area, just to ensure that everything is done correctly. After all, no one wants to end up with preventable water damage, do they?

There you have it, a few simple tips and ideas for making the process of transforming your bathroom into more of a spa-like space. 

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