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3 Safety Hazards That Occur At Home

3 Safety Hazards That Occur At Home

Safety hazards are present in many ways around the home, making it necessary to be conscientious and upbeat on preventive measures. In many instances, the things you consider non-hazardous may cause major life distractions. For example, small, colorful magnetic toys on the refrigerator can quickly become choking hazards if you have kids around. And sadly, every year, safety hazards result in about 21 million hospital visits. Below are some safety hazards in the home to be aware of.

Electrical hazards

According to the EPA, few households realize that electrical faults can quickly spiral out of control. However, only a few take stringent measures to identify electrical hazards fully. Data also reveals that more than 50% of home occupants could often smell something funny at least one hour before a house fire. Unfortunately, the failure to connect the smell to something electrical often caused them to lose their entire home.

The question now is, what falls under electrical hazards? Some examples are keeping electrical appliances in a wet area, heavily covered wires or cords, and exposed electrical sockets. Not many people are aware that power surges are hazards. And because you may have no control over when they happen, you will need periodic checks by professionals. For example, if you live in the area, you can call Infinite Electric Spokane branch. By ruling out electrical safety hazards in your home, you can lessen the risks in your house.

Heavy metal hazards

This has nothing to do with the metals, as you would see in the gym. In this case, heavy metals refer to the silent poisonous threats that can cost you good health or your life. Over the years, these heavy metals have comprised mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and lead. Others are categorized under the same description, but these four are mostly found in unsuspecting home areas.

Aluminum pots and pans, paints, rusted pipes through which your water flows, and old furniture are some examples of places heavy metals can be found. While you cannot avoid them entirely in the home, you can do something to lower their effects. For example, eating a lot more organic foods can detox the body and neutralize heavy metals' contamination in the body. 

Drowning hazards

The first thing that comes to mind may be an exposed swimming pool in the house. While you may not be entirely wrong, the pool is not the only drowning hazard in the home. Hot tubs, filled bathtubs, buckets of water, and sinks can quickly become drowning hazards. Pets and children are the most at risk of these unassuming hazards. Also, adults with seizure disorders may find themselves at a high risk of losing consciousness when relaxing in any of these.

It is why experts say if you have to fill a bathtub, you should keep the door locked from kids until you are ready to use it. Drowning can occur silently and may be too late upon realization. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid distractions when around any water body. It would also be prudent to take preemptive measures around water sources in and around your home.

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