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How To Better Control Light In A Modern Home

How To Better Control Light In A Modern Home

Whether you are designing a new home from scratch and you want it to be modern, or you are thinking about trying to improve your existing home with a modern twist, there are many elements that you are always going to need to bear in mind if you want the end result to be as strong as possible. And one of the most important elements of all is always going to be light.

What you want above all is an ability to control light as well as possible, because as long as you have done that, you’re going to be able to create whatever effect you want easily and without trouble. So in this post, we are going to take a look at some of the better ways to control light in your modern home more effectively.

Window Size

One of the simplest ways to do this is to make sure you are looking at the window size you have in the home. It might be that you want to play around with this a little in order to ensure that you are going to have the best possible effect. If you want more natural light, then obviously having bigger windows is going to help with that - but that is not to say you’ll always simply want the biggest windows possible in every available space.

For some spaces you’ll only want small windows and a little natural light. So it’s up to you how you approach this, but it’s a good idea to make sure you are doing all you can to keep your window size in mind, as it is always going to make a considerable difference.


You also have a decision to make on whether or not to use skylights in your home. They are something of a staple of modern design, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do this, and it’s of course up to you what you end up with in your home all in all. Having skylights can certainly be an effective way to get more light into the home, however, and you can always cover them with blinds so that you are able to block it out where necessary.

In this way, they can be more or less the perfect form of light control in the day, and that is certainly something you will want to consider. You’ll find that having one or two skylights can be a pretty wonderful way of improving your home and making it all the more modern, if that is indeed what you are going for here.

Keeping Windows Clean

A lot of people have the right windows, the right size, some skylights, but they are still struggling with getting enough natural light. And the most common culprit of this problem is that the windows are dirty. If your windows are dirty, they are going to be letting in a lot less light, it really is that simple. So you should make sure that you are keeping your windows clean, so that you can effectively let in a lot more natural light this way. Of course, doing so is relatively simple if you are regularly cleaning your home, but you need to remember to clean both sides of each pane for the full results that you are hoping for.

Plus, if you want them to really sparkle, you’ll probably want to get some professional window cleaning done from time to time. That’s the best way to ensure that you are going to have a much more modern home, and it’s amazing how well it can really work. All in all, you’ll find that this makes a huge difference.

Artificial Light Controls

Of course, when it comes to the artificial light, you already have controls in place, and you can use these to control the light levels more accurately in the home. You can do whatever you like, in fact, creating little pockets of light here and there or having more of a spotlight effect in each room. It’s entirely up to you. But the point is that you are doing all you can to control the light levels, and if that means installing a dimmer switch here or there, that’s not a bad idea at all.

As you can see, you can control the light in your home in a few ways and so have a much more modern home in no time.

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