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How To Build A Home That Promotes Good Air Quality

How To Build A Home That Promotes Good Air Quality

When thinking about your vision of the dream home, air quality is unlikely to even enter your mind. In reality, though, it is one of the most important features of a winning home environment. It helps to create a comfier atmosphere while also protecting the property and your family’s health.

The rewards of maintaining good air quality are clear, but knowing how to make it happen is another issue altogether. Focus on the five steps below and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. Treat problems at their source 

When you experience problems like damp or mold growth, it might not just be about the room in question. The issues may be rooted in problems with basement humidity levels. Crawl space encapsulation is a potential solution that could aid air quality throughout the home. By taking quick action, you can repair the damage and prevent escalating dangers with far greater results. Sadly, if you simply fix the bathroom mold without treating the source, the benefits will be limited.

#2. Invest in good HVAC systems

Good air quality will rely heavily on circulation and the general condition of your HVAC systems. If your HVAC needs new filters, you must complete this upgrade. Alternatively, an outdated product may need replacing altogether. Depending on your location and other features, you may find that it’s beneficial to invest in a dehumidifier unit too. This can extract moisture and impurities from the air to deliver significant improvements. You can also find tools to monitor the levels.

#3. Implement regular cleaning

Dirt and grime naturally create a breeding ground for harmful mold spores and other dangerous items. So, regularly cleaning the home is one of the most integral features for maintaining clean air free from allergens and health hazards. As well cleaning the floors and internal rooms, you must clean the swimming pool and other outside spaces. Otherwise, you could find that mold and other dangerous items find their way into the home too. Frankly, that’s the last thing you want.

#4. Use better cleaning products

Cleaning the home with traditional cleaners may remove allergens. However, you will encounter dangerous VOCs. Switching to environmentally-friendly cleaning products is vital. They do not use chemicals and will improve the home environment. Your home will look, feel, and smell fresher than ever. And it can have a particularly positive impact in reducing the risk of allergies and other minor illnesses. It is especially rewarding if you now spend more time at home than before the pandemic.

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